Although Czech falconers belonged among the most successful in the world, the falcon disappeared from Czechoslovakia in the 1970s. Its extermination was caused mainly by the DDT insecticide. DDT isn't particularly lethal, it has a number of sub-lethal effects. Most prominent is the phenomenon of shell-thinning in birds, particularly birds of prey. They should be protected and insemination is also one of the ways to increase the number of birds of prey in nature. 

Jana and Petr are falconers. They dedicate to nature conservation, ornithology and falconry. They speaks about falconry as about art and describe the historical relationship between man and predator, which has been cultivated in Europe, in the Middle East and in Kazakhstan for over four thousand years. The uniqueness of falconry was confirmed in 2010 by UNESCO which inscribed it into the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage.