Female surgical sterilization is one of the most efficient methods of contraception. It is permanent and irreversible, therefore when done to healthy female organs, it should be thoroughly considered by the patient and doctors, under the patient’s full understanding of the benefits and risks, and after consideration of alternative methods of contraception. As a consequence of sterilization, a number of serious health complications and problems can occur in one’s personal life. It cannot be considered a lifesaving intervention that could be done without the patient’s consent and her full knowledge. In 1972, a controversial decree on performing sterilization came into effect in what at that time was Czechoslovakia, which allowed bypassing the voluntary
nature of the intervention, hence allowing public authorities to control birth rates. Although the state policy at that time promoted childbirth, it involved only children that would be a contribution from the state’s point of view. Czechoslovakia commenced a program of financial incentives for Roma women to prompt them to undergo “voluntary sterilization” for a one-time financial compensation or a coupon covering household supplies. Medical ethics were not adhered to in many cases of involuntary or forced sterilization, and human rights with regard to these women were strongly and severely violated. Nowadays, the intervention cannot be performed without the informed consent of the patient.
Natasa was pregnant for the fourth time in 1995, with twins. She started bleeding in her fifth month. They asked her at the hospital how many children she already had. They subsequently gave her some documents to sign, which she believed concerned consent for the abortion that was necessary in the given situation. At that time, Natasa had already been in severe pain for several hours. Her husband came to visit her the next day and was told that Natasa had undergone surgery. They had no idea what the exact surgery was. After being discharged from the hospital, she took all her medical records to her gynaecologist. He explained to her what she had signed and what kind of procedure was undertaken. Natasa now has severe gynaecological problems.
In 1992, Helena gave birth naturally to her fourth child. Her ruptured birth canal required stitches. Third day post-partum, the doctor informed her that the stitches had come loose and that she must be re-stitched. Under general anaesthesia and without her knowledge, Helena was subsequently sterilized. She only found out later at the Department of Social Services, where she had been sent with a document from the hospital to claim a one-off financial payment in support of her condition “after second suturing during fourth childbirth”. She was told by the Department of Social Services that there was no longer financial support for sterilizations. She was also told what he procedure she had undergone entailed and that she would not be able to have more children. Today, Helena is a happy grandmother to three grandchildren.
In 1997, Nataša complained to her gynaecologist about her growing belly. The doctor first diagnosed a cyst, which needed to be surgically removed. However, when her belly continued growing he found out she was pregnant. Something didn’t seem right to her. She was constantly being sick. One night, she was rushed to hospital with severe abdominal pain and bleeding. Nataša had blood poisoning due to an undeveloped foetus. She signed documents believing they were to provide consent for the emergency surgery she required. However, a sterilization was performed at the same time. She only found out about the sterilization 6-7 years later when seeking help from a doctor for pain in her lower abdomen. Nataša has four daughters and wanted a boy. The last unborn child would have been a boy.
Radka, originally a nurse, was 22 years old when she gave birth to her second daughter in 1994. Before her second childbirth, which like the first one had to be a Caesarean section due to health concerns, she was repeatedly offered sterilization on the basis that she would already have two children and another pregnancy could be risky. She refused. When she woke up from the anaesthesia, she was informed that complications had occurred during the surgery and that both her and her new-born daughter’s lives had been at risk. Without further explanations, they gave her documents to sign, which Radka believed were to give her consent to the surgery performed. The fact that she was sterilized during the second birth only became apparent much later when she wanted another baby with her second husband. Radka subsequently underwent various gynaecological examinations which confirmed that she was fit to undertake IVF treatment. After many years of unsuccessful attempts, Radka gave birth to her third daughter.
Elena was 21 years old when giving birth to her second child in 1990. As labor progressed, which was accompanied by complications, she was told that this one was going to be a cesarean section too. At that moment and without further explanations, a nurse brought two documents to be signed, which Elena signed. During her second pregnancy, she was regularly monitored in an office for risky pregnancies due to a previous cesarean section. And still, nobody ever mentioned that in the case of a second cesarean section the doctors could opt for sterilization. In a certain hospital in Ostrava, such a sterilization was performed on Elena during her second childbirth, without her knowledge and consent. The next day, she was informed by the chief physician that she was in a life-threatening situation and she had been sterilized. The realization of the consequences of the intervention came gradually, the unceasing pain was instant. She was not only fighting her feelings, health, mental and societal consequences, but also her husband’s distrust. He did not believe that the intervention was done without her consent. She found and met women in the same situation. With the help of lawyers, other bodies and individuals they achieved partial victories over the years, such as the informed consent of a patient before intervention. Elena is 50 years old now. Her sons are adults and she still lives with her husband. She has been taking anti- depressants for 10 years and still cries when she sees a baby stroller. However, she hasn’t given up the fight to compensate wrongfully sterilized women in our country.
Monika is 50 years old and has two children. Both deliveries were Caesarean sections without previous indications. The second baby was born in 1995. After she was administered anaesthesia and everything was being prepared for an emergency surgical procedure, she was informed that she would be sterilized. “The doctor said that I could die if I were to have a third Caesarean section and that he would do it as a matter of course.” The situation did not allow the opportunity to request sterilization or written consent for it. This was also not done retroactively. Monika only realized the impact of the whole procedure ten years later, when her children had grown up and she wanted another baby which, as a result, she could no longer conceive naturally.